Leslie. C
Motherhood: Sometimes I feel like I'm doing an awesome job,then their are days when I feel like I'm failing miserably. Feels like you have so much to do in so little time, not t just keeping up with your baby, but trying to keep the household clean. Seeing It get so messy,and sometimes not having the energy to pick it up,because your to busy with baby..or just waiting for nap time, so you get at least 1-2hrs to yourself. And all you want to do is relax.. to not having time to get ready..or even changing the clothes you wake up in because you know baby will find a way to get you dirty..so why not wait to change..long relaxing showers have turned into 5 mins shower,get in a get out. Moments when you just want to scream because you feel s over whelmed, so you just cry instead because if you scream you'll wake up the baby. I do have support for my bf, to I am grateful for he's an amazing father. He gets on my nerves but no doubt about the amazing daddy he's become. Motherhood is hard,and lord knows it takes time to adjust..some days are better then others, but lord knows I wouldn't trade this mommy life for my old life.. am I tired, Yes.. Grumpy, Yes.. do I look like a mess, Yes. Do I sometimes complain.. yes. But I wouldn't trade it for the world, everyday I wake up with a purpose..everyday I wake up and their she is looking at me with those big brown eyes and a toothless smile on her face..and I just know she doesn't see my messy hair, my dirty barfed on clothes..the bags under my eyes..she sees mama, and in her eyes I'm perfect even tho I'm no where near that.. I'm overwhelmed and that's okay..we mothers need to remember we can't always do it all, take a deep breath and look at your baby.. their part of the reason you wake up everyday and don't give up!!! #motherhoodunfiltered #momlife " I JUST CAME UP WITH THIS HASHTAG #motherhoodunfiltered SHARE YOUR MOTHERHOOD UNFILTERED WITH ME AND OTHER MOMMIES.. THIS IS MINE.. LETS KEEP IT GOING LADIES. 👍🏼
6.9 лет

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