I've been spotting for 5 days straight I feel like imma have a miscarriage it's scaring me and I'm on vacation so I gotta wait to get back home to got to the doctors
@secretbaby, at this point you need to put on your big girl undies and tell your mother I understand it's a scary thing I have been there but at this rate it's better safe then sorry to go to the er and make sure everything is ok your mom loves you regardless she is your mother she's going to be there for you. And your going to have to tell her eventually you have to go to the dr soon and be checked out so just tell her I promise she isn't going to turn her back on you
:/ hun. You may wanna go be seen regardless if your mom knows or not...IF you are having an MC, its important to be seen as it can do damage to you. And spotting is normal. I spotted for 2 weeks with my son. But you need to be seen