Hannah Clark
Mommy challenge. No judgement.
Strictly about us moms and our beliefs.

What's your child's name? Isabelle

Is your child a boy or girl? Girl

What wipes do you use? Pampers Sensitive.

What diapers do you use? Pampers are the only ones that don't give her a rash.

What baby lotion do you use? Aveeno baby.

What baby wash/shampoo do you use? Aveeno or J&J.

Bite, rip or clip their fingernails? Rip...when I can get ahold of them😥

Do you exclusively breastfeed? No.

Do you vaccinate? Yes

Believe in circumcision? Eh...i don't have a boy so I never had to make that decision.

Co-sleep or separate room? Separate room.

Whooping or timeout? Neither yet, but probably timeout/"take a break" when she's older.

Carry around GermX? No 😂

Do you believe in CIO method? To an extent once baby is old enough to self-soothe

Do you believe in abortion? Not my body, not my business. For me though, probably not.

Public school or home school? Private.

How many children do you have? 1

How many children do you want? 2 or 3.

Age you were when you had your child(ren)? 19.

On birth control? Oh, yes.

Stay at home mom or working? Working 😕 Stayed at home for 10mos though.

Baby wear or stroller? Stroller. She hates the carrier now.

Are you a single mother? Nope

What do you carry in the diaper bag? Diapers, wipes, extra outfits, snacks, water, sippy cup, my wallet, burp cloth, and Elmo or her BeatBo.

If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would you say? IT TAKES A VILLAGE. Don't be afraid to ask for help! You shouldn't expect yourself to do everything on your own, especially in those newborn days. You'll drive yourself crazy.
6.9 лет

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