Lindsey Miller
Lindsey Miller
Mommy challenge. No judgement.
Strictly about us moms and our beliefs.

What's your child's name? Haylee, Cutter, Reata

Is your child a boy or girl? Girl boy girl

What wipes do you use? Huggies

What diapers do you use? Huggies

What baby lotion do you use? Aveeno lavender

What baby wash/shampoo do you use? Honest orange vanilla, and johnsons fussy baby bath

Bite, rip or clip their fingernails? File

Do you exclusively breastfeed? Was trying to with 3rd child, wasn't able to, multiple issues

Do you vaccinate? Yes

Believe in circumcision? No

Co-sleep or seperate? Co-sleep, and crib in bedroom

Whooping or timeout? Usually timeout

Carry around GermX? Oh lord yes

Do you believe in CIO method? No, if my baby's are crying it's almost always cause they need somthing

Do you believe in abortion? Depends on the situation

Public school or home school? My kids are in public school but I wish I could afford private

How many children do you have? 3

How many children do you want? 3-4

Age you were when you had your child(ren)?23

On birth control? No

Stay at home mom or working? Stay at home

Baby wear or stroller? Both

Are you a single mother? Happily married

What do you carry in the diaper bag? Diapers, wipes, rash cream, extra clothes, snacks, bibs, baby food, formula, water, Tylenol

If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would you say? Whatever idea you had before I'd the kind of parent your going to be is going right out the window the moment you give birth and that's ok.

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