Apparently, she said her next visit is at 15 months and she should be able to stack at least two blocks, point out two objects out of a selection, show an interest in books and show social skills 😀 had a new hv visit me to introduce herself last week. Thats my third one now lol but she seems the best, going by her insticts as a mum instead of a bloody textbook @lauren1996 xx
Well i was thinking clothes, and my partner wants to get her a car rider thingy lol
I was thinking like some blocks cus health Visitor said they test them at 15 months on that and whether theyre interested in books - so ive already picked up some book collections for her. But aside from that i havent got a clue xx @lauren1996
@deedee1988, I was thinking maybe, a trike that I could push McKenzie in but he sits up and it's like he's riding a bike sort of thing! And some more clothes in his size or maybe sizes bigger! And some more toys for his age like ones with balls that you gotta sort into the right holes and stuff like that maybe? I'm clueless ahah!xx
@deedee1988, I'm thinking the same! My boy will be 8 months soon and him being 1 seems to just be creeping up! And I like to be organised, so I know I'm ready and don't have to panic last minute!xx