So my 5 month old spits up alot and quite a bit each time. The doctor said she's not concerned unless he's acting like it hurts him to do so and it doesn't
Should I not be concerned as Well or should I get a second opinion?
Okay then go to the next one, try the one for spit up. I know formula is expansive so I would ask the ped for a sample but some docs don't have them, so I would try the liquid bottle since it's cheaper and if it doesn't work out you aren't stuck with a whole can of formula you won't use. Yes it's a pain in booty but it's all worth it in the end. I went to doc to wic like 6 times in one month to figure it out. One daughter was in the lite purple can and my other one was on soy.
I've tried every formula took me 4 times with both my girls to find the right one! Did you know that eczema is caused by a food allergy? I didn't know that either till about a couple months ago. My oldest daughter has it. And all this time I thought she was allergic to milk, turns out she's allergic to anything with gluten! So I would say try Similac sensitive first.
@bry93, no problem, for a while I thought she might've had an allergy (she also has eczema and was having a pretty bad flareup) so I tried it. The good thing is you can use similac coupons and checks on it if you need more than wic gives you! Good luck