So my 5 month old spits up alot and quite a bit each time. The doctor said she's not concerned unless he's acting like it hurts him to do so and it doesn't
Should I not be concerned as Well or should I get a second opinion?
Okay then go to the next one, try the one for spit up. I know formula is expansive so I would ask the ped for a sample but some docs don't have them, so I would try the liquid bottle since it's cheaper and if it doesn't work out you aren't stuck with a whole can of formula you won't use. Yes it's a pain in booty but it's all worth it in the end. I went to doc to wic like 6 times in one month to figure it out. One daughter was in the lite purple can and my other one was on soy.
I've tried every formula took me 4 times with both my girls to find the right one! Did you know that eczema is caused by a food allergy? I didn't know that either till about a couple months ago. My oldest daughter has it. And all this time I thought she was allergic to milk, turns out she's allergic to anything with gluten! So I would say try Similac sensitive first.
@bry93, no problem, for a while I thought she might've had an allergy (she also has eczema and was having a pretty bad flareup) so I tried it. The good thing is you can use similac coupons and checks on it if you need more than wic gives you! Good luck
Ya. He is gaining fine as far as I know. But he has to have nutramagin so there's not much different formula to try and I'm on WIC. I have to get a doc note to change it
What @theinkedmommy, said. My daughter was spitting up a lot since birth and it finally stopped after the 3rd or 4th formula I tried. The ped said not to worry but I was worried cuz she wasn't gaining a lot of weight. Once I switched her she gained a pound in a month.
26.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@theinkedmommy, I was just about to say the same thing!