@dezziesmomma, Lansinoh makes microwaveable breast compresses that really have helped me with my letdown while I pump. They wrap around your pump. Once I feel I'm really warm I massage my breast the try to get everything out. It's worth a shot
@cubanese Her pediatrician, my lactation consultant. I took her in for how she was acting and he told me what was wrong and then to go see my consultant.
@cubanese no she is, we went to the doctor. There's too much lactose, not enough fat and it's making her sick. They told me to fatten up my milk and do block-feeding.
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I've also had great results using milky mama treats. My code gets you 10% off ссылка
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Or massaging your breasts while pumping/nursing. It helps "loosen up" the fat