Lizzy Hargrove
Lizzy Hargrove
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I finally had Athena Joan!!!
Athena was born Wednesday, May 10, 2017. I went in for an induction at 5:00 AM because my labor had to be seriously controlled due to what happened during my pregnancy. I was 75% effaced and 3cm dilated when I went in and they started the pitocin drip at 6:30. Contractions started immediately and were roughly 7 minutes apart but not very painful. At 8:30, my midwife got there and was going to break my water but it broke on its own while she was in the room. I was also 4cm and 80% effaced. Contractions then were 2 minutes apart and excruciatingly painful. It felt like razor blades were going down the bottom of the spine with every wave, and I struggled to not vomit with every contraction. I wanted to put off the epidural until at least 9:30, but I was begging for one by 9:00. The back pain was unreal. They came in and gave me my epidural and because of my misaligned hips, I had some serious pressure and pain shooting down my left leg. After the epidural kicked in, I got very sleepy and the nausea stopped and I actually fell asleep around 10:00 or so. I woke up at 12:30 and they came in to check me and I was practically 100% effaced and 8cm dilated! I was so surprised and told the nurse that they should probably get things ready Because I went from an 8 to a 10 in 15 minutes with my son. She went to get my midwife and prepare the table and just like I said, very shortly after I was ready to push. I pushed for 7 minutes before Athena joined the world. She breathed in and swallowed a lot of amniotic fluid and wasnt breathing well and I had to just lay there and look at her purple body on a table because she wasn't breathing. It was so scary but finally she let out a big scream and then cried and cried. My husband cut the cord and I finished delivery and got stitches for 2 1st degree tears. Athena was born at 1:14PM at 8lbs and 18.25 inches tall. She became jaundice and had to be under the lights and I had the baby blues because I couldn't see her but to feed her so we were in the hospital for a couple days but we're home now and everybody is healthy and good.

Лучший комментарий


Congratulations happy you and baby are healthy!! She is beautiful
21.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Congratulations she is beautiful
21.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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