So her dad & I talked..we want to try to fix it. Literally was great all day yesterday. Today we go to a tattoo place and he can't get it done tonight & just turns into a complete jack ass blaming me for taking too long to get home (Granted I worked last night & wasn't able to sleep today until like 3pm). It was literally like the end of our good night. Now he's in a bad mood & I'm just fuckin done. Idk what to do anymore.

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God has his plan for everything. Leave it alone. Do you, and work on yourself. He will come around in DUE TIME!! God always has your back, but don't go feeling any type of way because your "man" is making you feel a type of way. Don't stress over what you CAN NOT change. There will always be a wonderful outcome and trust it's not worrying over dumb shyt!
20.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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