@christina.rocko, CONGRATULATIONS!! They all look positive to me. Faint lines but they're there!! You just must be really early. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!! ☺️
@spud you can get an evap line. Rarely a false positive. It you dip a test in water after you take it and it disappears Its an evap. If it don't disappear it's a positive. It's extremely rare for a false positive when the only way it will be positive is if there is HCG detected in your urine.
@mommabear17, So are these all positives?! I need someone to just say something like, "You're pregnant, bitch" for me to accept this. I've waited for this for so long.
I haven't accepted that they are positive yet. I'm not letting myself get excited. Getting the blood test done on Monday. I don't know what to do with myself.