Is it consider controlling if you don't want your SO to go out too much, almost everyday and y'all have a baby together?? & your SO expect you to keep the baby whenever he or she go out without even telling you imma take the along baby with me. & I'm not saying whenever they go out to clubs, bars etc. I'm talkin bout like baby/kid friendly environments.
@mrskelly, my husband NEVER offers. lol when I finally get him to watch her for a few it's FOR A FEW. Lol he says she cries and he don't know what she wants. I also worry when I'm gone anyway. But what about going out together as a family? I'd like that here.
@morganmommy79, you're right about what society will say yes cause my bf mom says I'm controlling & so does he. Realistically he's selfish & if he could have it his way he'd be the one going out kid free majority of the time while I stay in the house with my son or be with my son 24/7. Don't get me wrong he don't mind me going out but it's only cause he know I don't go out much so he won't be stuck with the baby a lot. But like you said it should be a balance & if it was a balance I'd be cool like babe I went out the other day you go out today enjoy yourself without the baby. He doesn't do that tho. If I came to him & was like take your son I'm going out then it would be cool but he never offer.
Society would say yes. But I say no. If they can't share in the responsibility of the children they don't need so much freedom. It's unfair. Family should come first anyway. There has to be a balance. It's hard tho when they are an adult and do what they want. I deal with this sometimes. And he don't really go out but does what he wants without really helping. He says I'm controlling because I tell him he needs to help or do more at home etc. and we don't even do clubs or places that aren't family friendly either. Lol