What is the earliest that I can get induced?? I am so miserable and haven't slept for 4 days now. Nothing will help. My doctor recommended Tylenol pm only and that had me wired.

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@cisaia801, because the growth of a baby's brain dramatically changes from 37-40 weeks from 35-40 it almost doubles in size. The longer baby stays in the brainer baby will be. They just need more time to grow. Today's society try's to rush everything bc money. If u go back and study the amounts of time labor should last and how long a women would be preg u will see labor can usually be from 24-72hr and women had babies at 42 and 43 all the time both are unheard now days bc meds and dr hospitalized insurance it's all connected. My hospital had a set time they would let a woman labor unmedicated after the time passed they took measures into their own hands regardless it was 24hr from check in and dr can override to 36 luckily I stayed walking the halls for hours and my labor progressed naturally and no intervention was needed thank god. I know it's scary but prepare ur mind for it that's the best thing u can do. Best of luck
18.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@txyogagirl why did he make you wait past 40 weeks?
18.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@cisaia801, u want ur baby healthy longer is better try to relax and make the best of it. U may miss that belly one day soon. My dr wouldn't induce until 41.1 but I was willing to go 43.1 then she would have to. I ended up going into labor naturally 5 days past due date baby will come when baby is read besides induction is not the best option sometimes baby is not ready it's like forcing u out of your warm bed when u wanna sleep nobody wants that
17.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Witt my first I got induced at 39 weeks because I was showing that I was dilating and effacing each week. But Ik now they are getting more strict and my doctor said they can do 39 weeks but anything before that you have to have medical problems. My sister has uncontrollable diabetes and they still won't take her early this year where are two years ago they took her at 37 weeks because baby was getting way to big and causing a lot of problems but this time they won't allow it
15.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Can't help with the inducing part, but maybe with the sleeping part. Unisom. (Ok it with your doctor first, obviously... even a quick phone call...) I take that plus some B-6 every night. It takes about 30-40 minutes to kick in, and I'm out like a light.
15.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
My dr said at 39 weeks we will set something up but each states have different laws so you will have to look it up I got induced at 37 weeks with my first due to complications
15.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
You want baby in til atleast 38 weeks. You want baby to be fully developed and ready to come out. I know it sucks but you are almost there!
15.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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