Staci. Adams
Staci. Adams
I don't know if I feel comfortable with my mid wife. Would it be odd if I asked to change? I thought my doctor at the clinic would be delivering but when they found out I was pregnant, they switched me to their midwife because he doesn't deliver babies. I'm new to Seattle and I don't have great insurance just state insurance for now until I'm married and or my boyfriends enrolling period opens up and can switch over to his medical. Anyway, is there anyone else out there that has had a similar situation and if so what did u door can anyone suggest any options?? Maybe I'm worrying too much but I'm really sick and the girl won't even prescribe me nausea meds.. I have had problems in past with throwing up, last pregnancy I wasn't gaining weight and had to have a nutritionist prescribe Boost/Ensure etc

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No it's not that I actually like her a lot I'm just extremely sick and she's not wanting to prescribe anything for my nausea and I don't understand that since I've gotten it with both pregnancies in past. So I'm a little frustrated I guess and she's younger than me. Are they against epidermals too then??
12.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Midwives are amazing , I have 7 midwives in my office and I loved that I and 3 of them to deliver my baby it was the best experience ever , as a first time mom , I originally switched at 25 weeks from a Obgyn that didn't remember anything on my chart to these women who knew every single thing we talked about every week not to mention they remembered my sons name and even now they call and check up on how everything is going, give them a try you never know. I know with baby number 2 we are going back to the midwifes
11.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Midwives can be awesome so thats kinda lucky. Switching might not help because most midwives avoid prescriptions. You can try being more firm with her or talking to your primary if you have one. If you just plain dont like her then thats different.
11.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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