@txyogagirl tell me about -_- when I was 40 weeks I was crying to give birth but at the same time I didn't want to rush my baby so I waited .. and it was a real pain
I did my research and I talked to my sister in law who is a doctor in another country,I have horrible back pain called sciatica which is a nerve problem that fuvks up my back to the degree in which I can't sneeze,stand up,lay down or carry heavy things...anywho that's why I wouldn't risk my back anymore to anything else ..
I got one, but I think I could have toughed it out. I was already 6 centimeters when I got it and didn't get any pain until I was 6 centimeters. But my mom got it when she had my brother and they put the epidural in wrong and she was numb from the waist up instead of from the waist down and couldn't breathe. She almost died. So after that she decided no more kids. She has a lot of back problems and it's been over 15 years. It can be dangerous.
Once they were actually able to get my epidural in, it was amazing. I was actually able to rest and I still was able to feel the birthing process but with out screaming my head off because I was in so much pain.
And people wonder why they are on monitors. I would wanna be too if I had all that. I had no monitors no drugs of any kind. @navymade21, I'm happy to share the ways I coped what helped me or any advise if u would like it.
My epidural made my labor experience one of the most enjoyable and beautiful things I have ever done in my LIFE. [Which is probably why I got pregnant again 4m PP xP] I was well rested, and still felt my water popping when the nurse checked me. Still felt the birthing process but not to the point I was screaming for the lady next door to be scarred. I bow down to the natural mothers, but for me personally, epidural was made for a damn good reason. This isn't the stone age anymore. lmfaooo
I find it unnecessary, we as woman should be able to natrually know how to push etc . All my friends who have gotten the epidural have back pain and regret getting it. My saying is I would rather have hours of pain then a life time of back pain
Mine was no help what so ever I felt every pain there was and now my back hurts a lot and it never bugged me before so I won't get one with my next baby or another kids after that's