So I'm not sure what to do at this point. I've been nauseous for three weeks now and in the last week I've became so tired I can hardly stay awake for any period of time witch is not okay when you have to care for a toddler all day everyday. I have pain that radiates from my ear all the way down my arm along with my leg going numb from the hip down all on the right side of my body. And I'm really itchy on my arms. My Ob says it's not pregnancy related so there's nothing they can suggest and my PCP says it's not an ear infection and the best he can guess is maybe an infection in a gland, he wrote me a script for amoxicillin. So pretty much he thinks there is an infection somewhere but don't know where. I feel like this should be looked into further if I have some kind of infection how do I know it won't hurt the baby. But my OB said L&D won't test or treat for any infections and that I should probably just find a new PCP. How do you figure out what symptoms are pregnancy related and what aren't. I'm so tired of feeling sick all the time and not getting anywhere with these doctors. I'll be 35 weeks on Friday and really need to feel better before I have this baby.

Should I really just take the amoxicillin without knowing what kind of infection I have and see if it makes me feel better? Idk what else to do.

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I would check an urgent care and see what they say. Maybe they will run blood test. I would definitely get nore opinions so you can narrow it down
10.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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