In honor of upcoming Mother's Day: ALL ABOUT YOUR FIRST BORN!!! 🍼❤😊
1. Epidural? Yes, but it made me shake really bad :/
2. Father in the room? Of course!
3. Induced? No
4. Know the sex beforehand? Yes, found out at anatomy scan
5. Due Date? September 12th
6. On time delivery? She came early on Sept 1st
7. Morning sickness? Yes!
8. Cravings? Mac and cheese and slushies!
9. Pounds gained? Around 60+ lbs
10. Sex of the baby? Girl
11. Any complications? No
12. Place you gave birth? St. Ann's hospital
13. Hours in labor? 12 hours
14. Baby's weight? 7 Pounds 1 ounce
15. Baby's name? Lillian Sage
16. How old is your baby today? 1 1/2 will be too in September!
Come on mamas! Let's hear your story!!!!