Haven't been on in awhile but I had my daughter and the birth didn't go the way I wanted it to but I'm glad to have my baby with me. Did anyone else birth go differently than expected
@camoangel1990 wow that's unbelievable, in my second trimester I had to get emergency gallbladder surgery because it was infected. Then they had to dilate me because I was at 1cm for two weeks. They popped my water bag and only got to 4 cem so they had to do a C-section, I was so scared but my baby is healthy and happy also
I had a bladder infection and the doc said if I didn't have that I would have never known I was in labor and then when I was pushing his head was caught on my pelvic bone and with my second son I would dilate past a 8 and the doc said he didn't want me to lay in pain so he took him c section he said he was caught up in my ribs! But they both were healthy and happy 😊