When is a baby ready to start potty training? For the last few weeks Bella has been holding her pee until I put her in the bath. Today I put her in and I said go pee and she went.
@chaconrebecca31, ok thank you! I am getting her a potty today! This is so exciting hopefully by a year and a half she will be potty trained like your kids were.
Your daughter sounds like she's ready to start, every child is different though lol because my daughter is gonna be 13 months and is no where near ready for potty training
That's how my first seven year old was she potty trained at a year-and-a-half and then my second seven year old potty trained at 2 and a half and she was early I think that she knows where to pee and doesn't want her diaper on she's ready. teaching her to potty on a potty trainer you're early little bird is ready I hope everything goes well it's kind of fun when they're potty training the chasing around and stuff and laughing ❤
@chaconrebecca31, she is going to be a year old on Friday. She does everything early tho she was crawling at 5 months old. Walking at 9. Now she tries to take off her diaper and holds her pee until bath time.
How old is she?
I think it depends on the child because my two seven-year-old potty trained at different time and my three year old that had just potty week after she turn 2.