charlee nord
charlee nord
Do u loose weight fast when u breast feed? And what are other moms opinions on breast feeding I wanted to so bad but she wouldn't latch but I went to her first check up and the Dr gave me a nipple shield and now she can I'm so excited lol I wanted to breast feed with my first two but no one told me about nipple shields

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If you look into the science of it all: you're going to burn six times as many calories (on average) as a mother who isn't breastfeeding. However, Breastfeeding women crave more food. So, as long as you're still eating a normal amount that's good for your age and body type, then yes: you will burn more calories resulting in weight loss.

But, I think every single person is different. I gained 60lbs with my pregnancy, and lost it all by the time she was one year old. But, had I breastfed, maybe I would have lost it faster. Who knows!
06.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I always loose weight fast cause I breastfeed all my babies for about 6 months
06.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I lost weight SO fast breastfeeding . Never had to alter my diet or anything, I got back to my pre pregnancy weight super fast. Other pros include 1. Not having to buy expensive formula 2. Not having to carry formula , water ,and a bottle everywhere you go 3. Healthy baby weight gain 4. Breastmilk helps build stronger defenses from sickness :)
06.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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