Urgent help... My little one is 9 months old.. He's been poorly for a while.. Doc said cut out dairy.. They have prescribed a formula.. Its rank.. He won't take it.. Can I give him just soya milk instead...??
Thanx Mimi, I can't remember what its called as I'm out at the mo. Tastes like sour milk.. I have found a sma soya formula.. Wondered if that would taste better.. But I will deffo try the vanilla.. That's a good idea xx
I wouldn't give soya or any other alternative milk as the formula has all the nutrients and vitamins in x what have they prescribed him ? It took Evelyn a while to get used to the milk as like you said it tastes rank but after a week she took a whole bottle. I would persevere with it x you can add flavourings to make it taste a little nicer x we used a vanilla extract