1. Were you married? Yep!
2. Did you have an epidural? Yes and no haha
3. Was your partner in the room? Yes
4. Were you induced? No
5. How old were you? 22
6. How old was your partner? 22
7. How did you find out? Home pregnancy test and feeling odd
8. Did you want to find out the sex? Nope! I wanted it to be surprise
9. Due Date? 04/09/15, 04/07/15
10. Did you deliver early or late? late
11. Did you have morning sickness? Yes!
12. What did you crave? Dill pickle juice, jalapeño and potato
13. How many pounds did you gain? 30
14. What was the sex of the baby? Girl: )
15. Did you have any complications? Nope, she wanted out haha
16. Where did you give birth? A hospital in Wyoming
17. How many hours were you in labor? 3 hours
18. How much did your baby weigh? 7lb 9 oz
19. What did you name the baby? Harleen
20. How old is your baby today? 2 years old