***explicit picture in comments***
My son had had a rash on his private area for a few days now. I'm not sure what it is and if I should take him to the doctor or not. Amy advise is welcome!!! TIA
Make sure the air is dry. Pat it with a clean towel. Then get diaper rash cream and put it on like your icing a cake and it should clear up within a day or two
30.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nielson12 try aquaphor for babies...its awesome...next day it should b gone. If not yed take hin to doc.
@noahs.mommy okay I'll try air drying. It's the dots that are making me nervous. @chibiytino it's really swollen, it hasn't looked like that before. The dots make me think it's an infection.
Try coconut oil! :) and leave his diaper off as much as possible (no coconut oil when you let it air out) ;) good luck momma! Nothing to be concerned about ☺️