Nicolette Stevens
Nicolette Stevens
So the other day I told my bf that I wasn't feeling Luna move all day and that's very rare. To my surprise, he gets up comes over to me lifts my shirt and sings twinkle twinkle little star to her two times and starts talking to her. A few seconds later my little girl starts moving. It made me want to cry bc he's not the best at being a pregnant partner. He works a lot and he's just not really as excited about everything or I should say he doesn't show it like I do. Sometimes I get in my feelings and feel like he doesn't care about the baby when I know it's not that at all. It's just some dads get all excited and are great with pregnancy and some just aren't. I know when she's here it will be different but I just had to share that bc it made me so happy. ❤️

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27.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I love it @allyk.xmommy,
27.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
My fiance is the same way. He doesnt get to excited about the clothes and baby gear and other stuff. He will feel the baby kick and be in aw, but rhats about it. But when I'm worried bc Liam is being a lazy baby and isn't moving, he talks to him and Liem starts going wild. Already a daddy's boy
26.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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