Last night was soo stressful bcz baby has colic she slept around 5 in the morning so I didn't sleep just for like half and hour or so between her crying, finally when she slept I was going to sleep when my other baby woke up he sleeps in another room with daddy bcz her cries wakes him up nd he takes ages to go back to sleep, and daddy had work at 6 so it was soo stressful he wouldn't go to sleep he was soo tired though then she started crying 😐 I was soo emotional nd stressed one I didn't sleep second I didn't know who to go to first so i told my brother to take him to ur house but I can't always do that I have to find a solution myself nd look after the kids myself, ppl who have kids close in age plz tell me it experience do it kids sleep together nd if not how do u manage them together at night especially it's hard

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What do u do when he cries all night she slept at 5 started crying around 1ish that I don't mind but when both of them are awake it's stressful
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I don't want to leave my son alone in the room bcz I don't know I feel he's not ready nd plus husband has work in the morning so she stays up till late bcz of colic
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yh we have to wait till he's really tired bcz he doesn't sleep he fights sleep nd no dummy bcz I don't want her to rely on dummy I won't know if she's hungry nd I don't like the idea of dummy to soothe them
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
My daughter is 13 months and my son is 2 months old my son also has colic they dont sleep in the same room my sons in with us and my daughter her own room does your oldest still have a nap in the day time and also does your youngest have a dummy? Xx @abzx786
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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