Quick rant.
My MIL pisses me off so much. She acts like just because I'm a new mom I don't know shit and because she had 2 kids 20 years ago and then 24 years ago (mind you she barely raised them herself) that she knows every thing. She got mad because I said she couldn't put MY CHILD in the dryer because " his stomach hurt" first he was only crying because he was hungry and when you had him. He fell asleep while she was in her room after eating. About 2 hours later he woke up and was hungry. So I made him a bottle and she said y'all don't need to feed him so much that's probably why his stomach hurts. Like wtf if he isn't soothed by me picking him up and doing everything amd he's still acting hungry he is hungry and I'm going to freaking feed him. Also at this same time she comes in here and gets him while I'm making a bottle and Still believes he is crying because his stomach hurts trys all these things and makes him keep crying because they are not working because he is just hungry and then eventually gives the bottle after I said once again he's just hungry. One. He isn't supposed to cry because of his hernia and two I freaking know my kid dumb ***** I have been there every day since he was born through the hospitalization and every thing. So you do not know my kid so please stop acting like you do and like he is yours. Maybe you wouldn't want one so bad if you actually raised your own. Oh and then her stupid self said that babies soft spots in there head doesn't close until they are 14 years old. Like obviously you don't know shit.

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I never heard of putting a baby on a dryer but I would imagine it's not safe. I know how frustrating others opinions can be. Just stand your ground. You know best. Raising a kid even 5 years ago is much different than today. So when she raised hers the methods are obsolete! I just take my baby up in my room and close the door when I am tired of too many hands in the pot!
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Rant away! I totally get it!

Your situation sounds so frustrating, seriously I would have lost my shit and had a rant right in front of her lol
Redhead and a Taurus...yeah lol

My daughter had a hormonal imbalance when she was a little baby and the skin of her vagina closed up. My grandmother told me to pull it open during diaper changes because that how she did it with my mom....😧😧😧😨😰

I took her to the dr and got a cream and learned what the condition is. I told my grandmother (we lived with her at the time) so should wouldn't spew more bs to other young moms. She was like your mil is and it drove me insane with all of the "knowledge"

Once I laid down my rules and printed out real info from my dr and .org sites she started to listen to me. Also moving out and pretending we were never home worked 😂

Your baby wants you to hold them...putting them on the drier could shake them off and they fall from the vibrations. The drier method is like driving in a car not like being rocked by mom. Your baby wants YOU not shaking baby syndrome 😁
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@avie @jq129847 @dhamiphoenix and she likes to say i did it with mine and they told me it was fine then or something like that. Like there's a reason they changed how you should do things.

And she got bad because she said the dryer is like me rocking him to sleep and I said I rock him to sleep no shack him like a dryer would and went and there and said "She acts like she knows everything about being a mom and i know nothing but if mommy Facebook ( this site) tells you something it's right. 😂😂 first idc what you know and I do or don't he's my son and if I say no then it's no and second I haven't even been in here lately and the site helps get different opinions and what people have RECENTLY been told with there kids. . Makes me so mad. I can't wait to get out of here I see why her other grandsons mom doesn't let her see her see him.

Oh not to mention earlier she said that the dumb dumb suckers would be good to run on his lips to get rid of the thursh. She has lost her mind and is psycho he can't have that!! And he doesn't even have thrush anymore I got actual medicine for that!

And she keeps taking the middle parts out the Dr. Brown bottles. They are supposed to help him stomach and with spit up which he needs because he take a to long to drink it. Well he takes the same amount of time when you giving it to him without so stop being lazy or don't make his bottles !!

Sorry I've been dealing with a lot this women really is crazy one minute she's fine and the next she's pissed off about stupid shit and usually it's about regular life stuff that everyone has to do that she has to do..
I can't say rant anywhere else so thanks for letting me here and understanding ladies
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jq129847, oh my god. Don't even get me started on MILs and their Asian remedies and answers for everything 😑 lol I can so relate. & not trying to be offensive. I just really relate 🙌🏽
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
My two month old eats about every 2-4 hrs. That's normal!

When my family would butt in like yours I would print the information and hand it to them. They stopped telling me what I know lol
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
So understand you my son had hives last week and my MIL tried her Asian remedies to get rid or them but they did jack shit. We went to the ER and got it calmed down and was told to take Benadryl for 5 days till I see his doctor. We saw his doctor Thursday and was given another medicine to give him for 2 weeks and if we see no hives to continue it till spring is over. So my MiL says to my BF because she doesn't speak English that my son does need it anymore he does have hives any more and to stop giving him it. Like lady you aren't a doctor shut your mouth I'm gonna listen to the professional and do what I think is right for MY son. Like she always makes her little comments and it's so annoying like this lady drives me crazy!
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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