Pros & cons of #ClothDiapers ?? I want to start looking into them. My baby has used disposable since he was born.
Also, has anyone purchased any off Amazon??

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Yes, it does make sense. Youve explained it better than everyone else ive talked to them about lol @lelepatts im going to message you!
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@_maria oh and my baby would pee constantly like we flew through diapers every 10 min practically so I was curious on how cloth would work. But he actually seemed to last longer in the cloth without being upset over one drop every time! But I didn't start with cloth until he was probably 6 months maybe? I was scared to try it lol
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@_maria I love them. I started because we were just running through money on diapers all the time so I wanted to try cloth to save money and it was super easy with the alvas I got. So it's an outer part (called pocket diaper) and then comes with an insert which is just a rectangle microfiber piece. All you do is put the insert inside the pocket part of the diaper. So the insert inside is what soaks up the mess. You can put 2 inside if you've got a super soaker babe lol but anyway then u put the diaper on the baby like you would regularly but just snap it all together instead of the sticky tabs on a disposable. It takes a few tries to figure out what snaps are best to do since snapping it diff ways makes it diff sizes to fit baby as they grow. Which I love they can be used from newborn to like toddler! Anyway does that all make sense it's hard to explain it without like demonstrating ha
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I see! How do you like them? And how do they work? @lelepatts
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was going to message you when i looked up thw tag #clothdiapers @clothdiapermomma but i saw that you hadnt posted in 2 months so i thought maybe you werent on the app anymore, thank you though i would love that!!
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I got Alva diapers off amazon and love them! They're one of the cheaper brands but so so easy to use and clean. Some of the cuter design ones I got from for just a few bucks each.
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Very true. I havent had my period in a year basically
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@_maria, Of course! I'll send the request ✨ And yes they do. I'm also highly considering a diva cup when I start my period again. I feel like if products are out there and readily available to help us sustain a longer and healthier life, why not take advantage of them?
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for commenting @avie !! ♡♡♡ do you think you could add me to the group? And yeah, i guess i never really thought of how much disposables take a toll on the earth.
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Honestly im not sure @alanimommy61013 ive heard that at first it is expensive buying them, but that they are cheaper in the long run. Im not 100% on how they work either so thats why i made this post 😁😁 hopefully we both get amswers lol
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Haven't used mine yet of course (40 weeks preggers. Ftm) so I don't know how credible my answer will be.

Igot my diapers off of amazon. They're baby Alva brand. Probably the cheapest around that still function well for the price (from the reviews). I hear a lot of great things about cloth from mamas and I'm part of the crunchy mommies group on here so I can learn more natural mothering techniques. I learn a lot about how great cloth is for your baby, methods on using them, etc...One of the biggest reasons I wanted to do it is for environmental purposes. Disposable just doesn't seem logical to me (especially if I can help it). Constantly throwing away all of that material that you can't recycle. It's just a lot. Also my mom only used cloth on us and my hubby and I will be staying next door to her so she's able to teach me and help me out with how to wash and stuff. Hope my answer helped. You should def ask some moms on the crunchy mom group! They're so helpful ☺️
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Are they cheaper or expensive and don't You have to do double the work
22.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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