my lil girl is almost nine months now and won't let you put a spoon in her mouth i can get a few spoonfuls in at most!! she will eat finger food as in corn snacks veg flavours organic but anything that doesn't melt in mouth causes her to gag or chock any suggestions? today i tried toast she loves sucking on but when a bit breaks off she gags 😔
Between 6-12months it's just slowly weaning them, getting them used to foods so I wouldn't worry too much about how much she's eating as milk is still her main source of nutrition. Hopefully by a year she'll be more keen on food!
thanks @sara-lou86 yes i think i will just keep offering or putting on pushchair for her to try if she wants too, i worry shes to old to be on formula only now xxx
Max can be really funny with textures & often gags. I think it's just persistence with offering different foods. Not making a fuss when she does, keep offering foods as normal really. Some take to it quicker than others.