Mommy challenge. No judgement.
Strictly about us moms and our beliefs.
What's your child's name? Tobias Taylor-Grey Young / Tobi / Tobi-Tay. 👼🏻
Is your child a boy or girl? Boy.
What wipes do you use? Pampers Sensitive or Up & Up Sensitive.
What diapers do you use? Pampers or Seventh Generation.
What baby lotion do you use? Coconut oil.
What baby wash/shampoo do you use? Johnson's Bedtime or Burt's Bees.
Bite, rip or clip their fingernails? Clip.
Do you exclusively breastfeed? Yes, 6 months strong!
Do you vaccinate? Yes.
Believe in circumcision? No.
Co-sleep or separate? Co-sleepin' 'till he can't fit in our bed anymore. 😂
Whooping or timeout? Neither.
Carry around GermX? Yes, always.
Do you believe in CIO method? Nope.
Do you believe in abortion? What other women do with their bodies is none of my business, but I would never have an abortion unless it was medically necessary. Pro-choice. ✊🏻
Public school or home school? I plan to homeschool.
How many children do you have? One.
How many children do you want? One, maybe two. Definitely don't want anymore right now.
Age you were when you had your child(ren)? 19.
On birth control? Nope.
Stay at home mom or working? Stay at home mama.
Baby wear or stroller? Baby wearin'!
Are you a single mother? Nope, happily married!
What do you carry in the diaper bag? Diapers and wipes, a change of clothes, all natural sunscreen and bug spray, toys, and hand sanitizer.
If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would it be? Give breastfeeding a chance and don't give up, it gets easier. Cuddle that baby until you can't cuddle anymore. Don't sweat the small stuff, everybody makes mistakes and it doesn't make you any less of an amazing mama.