After 2 years I was wondering why I couldn't get pregnant we went to fertility doctors and got tested and nothing found wrong. So I sat back and thought about do I ovulate late so I tracked and paid close attention to my cycle for 3 months and realized I ovulated later than what the apps say even with using opks I just found out I ovulate 4 days after my positive opks! So right now I am on CD 13 I ovulate on CD19! Has this happen to you, finding out you ovulate late and finally got pregnant?

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Baby Dust to you as well! 🙌🏾 #GotMyPreSeedReady
18.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
It did. I only found out when I used ovulation tests. I learned to pin point it all very good after that. I would always start about 5 days before I would ovulate and keep going for about 5 days after. Every other day and I used pressed everytime those days and I inserted a soft cup after and kept it in for 8hrs. Srsly wish u the best hunny and now that u know hopefully it won't be long ♡ Baby dust 🌌🌌
18.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@lillyb, that must have blew your mind, I was so disappointed. When I just found this out, I told my husband and he was like all this time we were doing it all wrong. I have 6 apps and all of them were wrong including fertility friend 😡 waste of money, but I'm so glad and thankful to finally know what's going on.
18.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I found out I ovulated almost a while week earlier then when the apps told me I did
18.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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