We are trying to transition to the crib from co-sleeping and nothing breaks my heart more then to have to hear my little man scream and cry when I know I can fix it.
@sixplusones, right!! I've been trying to use a timer. The night before last we went 5 min and last night we went 10 min. Before I went in checked on him. I do love the baby snuggles and he won't be small like this forever
@charong, we have a pack n play next to our bed already and have since day one. Unfortunately the moment you put him in it he wakes up and screams. With the hours my husband works. Letting him scream right next to our bed is good for no one..lol
@rfsteele, yea i tried an i jus cant let my 3 year old or my 11 month old cry for no period their dads like o let them be an im like B if u dont move an let me get my children we will have an issue then he says ur turning my sons into girls, like dude stfu please u act jus like ur sons if u really wanna hear the truth of the matter