Kelsey Pobletts
Kelsey Pobletts
Okay serious topic. I need advice not rudeness. Me and my baby's father have gone through a lot the past 5 months. Broken up.. We recently decided to work on things but it's getting rocky already. We pretty much are drawing towards the end and I'm just curious, how do you let go of someone you love and wanna be with? He feels the same way but it's like we just fight a lot and say really messed up shit when we do argue. He sent me something about coparenting earlier, and it honestly broke my heart . I guess what I'm asking is, ladies who have gone/are going through this, how do you cope? How do you do it? I can't imagine us not being a family . Maybe I'm just being over dramatic but it's like we can't let go even though we both feel like it's time to. Advice would be nice.. Just confused. 😔 edit: we have been together for almost two years, before anyone thinks we've only been together 5 months and wants to judge..

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Relationships are extremely hard and when u add kids it's even harder it sounds like u guys may need help with the living together and communication parts I found it very hard to live with my husband when we first got together u guys are two different people trying to make it as one maybe try some counseling or couple groups that focus on the topic that u guys have trouble with and if u both still love each other which I sounds like u do then don't give up yet.. Maybe even talk to ur paster if u have one 🌻
18.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Great coparents are way better than unhappy parents together..... Good luck mama do what's best for you and baby @kp_111516
18.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I don't think you guys should give up just yet. You've made it this far with working things out, you can make it further. If the feelings are still there, fight for it. Relationships are super hard but you can get through it. You're gonna fight and you're gonna go through phases where you fight a lot. My husband and I have gone through since we got back together. But at the end of the day we both know we don't wanna wake up to anyone else. We love eachother more than we hate arguing. If it breaks your heart think about it ending then that's your sign you shouldn't end it just yet. Remember the reasons you fell in love with eachother. Remember why you wanted to work things out in the first place.
Not everything always works out but you also don't wanna go through life wondering what if they had.
And if it doesn't work out you remember whose most important and that's your child. Don't make coparenting harder for yourselves then it has to be.
Good luck with your situation I hope it all works out and you're always welcome to message me if you want to talk ❤️
17.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Keep your self busy it dose get easier but it's hard at first
17.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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