Hi I'm new to Mom life. I'm a mother to a 6 yr old boy. And I just recently got nexplanon removed after having it in for a total of 6 years and just wondering how long it took for some of you to fall pregnant.? I am so eager again to be expecting and I'm impatient. Lol 😩
@adamsgurl.. Wow sounds like you had quite a journey . But glad you are expecting again. Just now playing the waiting game and trying to be positive for me *fingers crossed*
I thaught so. I was like aaahhhh.. Lol... I had mine in for 3 years then 1 1/2 years. Took me 7 months to get pregnant with my son... After him i had mine for 3 years. And took me 22 months this time to get pregnant. But thats because my iron was too low... I ovulated and had a period like i was suposed too. Like a month after the implant was removed..