I know it doesn't always work like that for everyone. It seemed to for my son because before i was giving it to him he wasn't sleeping through the night. Granted that is definitely not why i give it to him at all. But thats how it happened to turn out. @doo778
I also only give him a cereal bottle in the morning(because he sleeps all night) and when he goes to bed and i know not every one has this experience doing this but for my son he did start sleeping through the night because he was FULL. @babylovee0118
That's exactly why I was giving it to her she was drinking a lot of formula and spitting up a lot but once I put a little pinch of this she stayed fuller and the spit up stopped being so bad
I give my son this in his bottles and he is FINE he needs it to keep his colic away and to get full. I put 1 and a half teaspoons in my sons 6 oz bottle, for 4 oz bottle i put 1 teaspoon. You'll be surprised how much it will help her stay full. @babylovee0118
When they can sit up unsupported but you really dont need to feed your baby this junk. It has no nutrition. Unless your Dr recommended it for a reason.