🚨RANT🚨So sick of everyone stressing me out my dad wants to sit there and tell me how I have made this weekend into a fiasco when I didn't I'm not the one who invited my mom down here or my sister and niece he is the one who invited them I was okay with driving to Dallas for easter but noo he had to f**k sh** up not me and to top it off my baby daddy's mother and sister are going to be down and want to see my daughter so now I'm having to juggle spending time with them and my family at the same time as trying to not spend extra money I don't have he just all about needing drama and watch after my mom and sister leave he's going to fight with me and tell me how they are never invited back again like he did last time it's a never ending cycle and what pisses me off more is that my car is in his name so if I was to move out and get into hud he would take my car away from me

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@brudd330 I'm so sorry you are going through this. I mean, once you reach a certain age you would think parents would back off but not in your case. If there is anything I can do to help even if just listening will help I am here for you.
11.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@dee_02dee. I'm just so sick of my dad trying to control everything I do
11.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@brudd330 are you ok??????
11.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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