It's only been 3 months since Julian's surgery on his skull and his head is looking so amazing. Watching him go through that absolutely broke my heart but I couldn't have imagined these results. 3 months down with the helmet 9 (or less) to go! Left is before, right is current
@mamalotus, thank you! I was so nervous about the helmet. I've had nice comments and rude comments but have gotten used to it. I hope your little one adjusts well to it! If you have questions when you get it let me know ☺
Wow. I'm so happy that he's on his way to recovery. Thank God for his treatment. 🙏✨ My son was born with torticollis which is tight neck muscles on one side. It caused the flat spot. Once he's three months he'll get the helmet & I'm going to get him into physical therapy asap.
@mamalotus, he has a condition called Craniosynostosis, which is the premature fusion of sutures in the skull. So he had no soft spot like other babies do. Without surgery the condition restricts brain growth and can cause disabilities and head shape to grow elongated instead of round. Surgery helped open his skull to where his brain may grow properly and the helmet helps shape the skull now that it is open