How long should I let my 5month old cry? Lately he has been horrible with napping, no, I don't spoil him, but he just will not take a nap no matter whether I'm holding him or lay him down or anything I try. So I put him in the crib and he's crying and screaming. He's been fighting his sleep lately except at night so I don't get it, I can tell he's tired . 😞
If you know there is absolutely nothing wrong with him, it does not hurt your kid for them to cry for two minutes or so as they fall asleep. As moms, we cannot carry our children around literally 24/7. I'm not saying to let him cry for hours, but 2 or 3 minutes isn't going to harm him in any way. Rub his back, let him know you're there, comfort him, and lay him down. Maybe sing or read to him.