I had intense contractions last night to the point of crying my eyes out. I have no words to describe it. If you're confused if their cramps or contractions then it's not contractions. But if they are intense to the point where you have to keep breathing constantly or having to pause what you're doing to tend to yourself because the pain is a unbearable. That's all I can really say about contractions. I don't know how to describe mine but I know what they are by how I'm reacting
Bad bad menstrual cramps! They get closer and closer together without going away. Sitting in a warm bath made me feel better when they were about 7-10 minutes apart. When they got 3-5 minutes apart, having my husband rub my lower back during them helped a little until I could get admitted and get the epidural! From there... smooth sailing 😊
@crystal.milam I worked a cleaning job and every night after work my lower back hurt really bad. I had to do therapy for si joint paint. You might of over done it. But if it doesn't go away with relief I would call in.