Question for mommas who have had multiple pregnancies?? If your kids are two different sex, was your pregnancy different for girl vs boy? And if they are the same sex, were your pregnancies still different?

I knew right away last time i was having a girl. This time my pregnancy is 180 different and i don't have that for sure feeling that i know the sex this time. With my daughter i was barely sick, i was obsessed with fruit my whole pregnancy and this time I am soooo ridden with morning sickness that last all day long, and when i can eat all i want is pizza and cheeseburgers!! Lol

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With my boys I was always sleepy ,my I would be so hungry then eat and I would get full after tell bites and I craved cold stuff like icee and fruit and my sex drive was over the top .with my girl I was always hungry,cold,my v parts felt heavy and sore, my sex drive was none and I cried for no reason.
05.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
With my son was hardly sick perfect with my daughter i was sick till 30 weeks pressure etc and this time is the same as my daughter but everyone thinks it's a boy but i feel its a girl
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
When i had my son it was pretty ok omg then my daughter came I had the worse pregnancy ever lol
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
With my daughter I craved French fries and tacos. With my son I craved fruit and Apple juice. I'm pregnant with my 3rd, she's a girl, and I crave French fries and fruit smh. Other than that my pregnancies were all pretty similar. I only got sick in the very beginning. The only other difference was I was definitely carrying my son very low. There was a lot of pain involved with him. My pregnancy with my first daughter was a breeze and so far with this little girl it's been the same.
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
with my daughter i was extra sick. and with this pregnancy before i found out the sex..i instantly knew it had to be a boy cause this pregnancy is a breeze even the morning sickness
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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