This was my ultrasound at 7weeks n 6 days .....I'm now 17weeks n 5 days do u think the baby looks small at at 7weeks n 6days ......heart was 133 n now heart rate is 160 at 17weeks n 5 days ....please help
@princesslina I kno me to I cry every time I hear my baby heart beat. ...wen I was 7weeks n 6days heart rate was 133 ... wen I turned 9weeks it was 169 n 2 weeks again was 175 n back to the 160 ranges n been that ever since :) :)
Well congratulations to your 🌈! Don't let others tell you where your baby should be in growth! Like I said all babies ate different. My baby measured small and was born small. So what! She's happy and healthy! Your baby will be the same! Congratulations! Don't let these people get you down mama
@princesslina I never made it this far before in my pregnancy I had 2 losses so that's y I asked u ladies vent ......ok I'm not 17weeks n 6 days today I think God every day for this rainbow baby people just kept telling me ur baby should look more bigger in that ultrasound pic