Jennifer Wilson
Jennifer Wilson
Hi ladies! I had my 18-week ultrasound this week and baby looked great -- although, he is measuring 12 ounces in weight. I looked this up and the average weight at 18 weeks is between 5-8 ounces so I'm a little concerned. I doubt my baby is big because I lost weight and had severe morning sickness the first few weeks and my first born was relatively small too... I had a very small belly. I think that my due date may be sooner than my doctor and I assumed -- should I bring this up with the doctor?

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I believe my baby was 12 ounces at 20 weeks, my sister's was 14 ounces, my cousin's 10 ounces, and my other cousin's 11 ounces (we're all pregnant at the same time lol). It sounds to me like you're right on track.
31.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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