I literally can't keep anything down, not even water or ice cold popsicles... idk what else to do because I know I have to hydrate for this baby 😢 I feel like a shitty mommy 💔
@jmoore2586 @mcrowell0970 I went to the ER, got fluids, I feel alittle better and was able to keep soup down, the er said I more then likely have HG. So my next appt on the 18 I'll be telling them about this. I'm taking promythazine & it does nothing for me as well as zofran. It's a crappy feeling.
Go to er I have this problem I have been three times in six weeks they will give you something but have someone drive you the last iv meds they gave me made me feel like I just took a crap ton of pills
if all else fails go to the er. i been there. its not pretty being so dehydrated cause u cant drink or eat anything. i had hg with both my pregnancies and had multiple er visits for that just to get hydrated