katie hill
katie hill
being induced in the morning. ik everyone is different but what are some of yaws experience with being induced. this is my first child and im so nervous snd scared and happy all at once.

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thanks ladies! will keep everyone updated.
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Make sure to pack a heating pad. Inductions are 50% more likely to end in c-sections -- that's why doctors offer them (make them sound like they are needed.) more these days, because they make 3x the money on a c-section than a regular birth. If you do end up with the surgery, you'll be SO thankful you have that heating pad. There will be trapped gas from the surgery, and the heating pad will help pass the gas: walking helps, but the heating pad is even better. You'll do fine, and either way you and baby will be healthy! Good luck!
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was a 1 and 80 with my first as well the didn't start pitocin on me until after the popped my water they put a cervicid pill in my to completely thin me out then I walked the halls so help with things
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Okay once your thinned it shouldn't take to much time to dilate you. The more you walk or even have sex or do squats or bounce on a birthing ball that puts pressures from the babies head on your cervix and will help with dilation. If you can't handle pain from the contractions go ahead and get pain meds I had an epidural with my first however mine got kinked in my back and I didn't get all of it which was fine it was enough to relax me to speed up my progress. I was able to feel him coming out. But it was due to not getting the full effect of it. But when your relaxed your progress speeds up. You'll do good!
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@keishacrabtree.kc as of Friday i was 80% thinned out and 1cm dialted. they done said they was going to give me pitocin tomorrow morning.
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
I was induced with both my boys. Usually you dont start really feeling any painful contractions until they give you pitocin which makes you have contractions and it also depends on how your body reacts to labor. Some ppls body are more ready for it so it speeds by faster and some ppls body wanna fight against it. It also depends on how much your already dilated and effaced before hand cause you have to be a dilated to 10 and 100% effaced before the baby can come out. I personally love being in labor. The outcome is deff worth it all.
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nmc95 i really hope it goes by fast. i dont take pain very well.
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@momlife3811, I was induced . It wasn't until I was 3 hours into it that I felt contractions though
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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