Mariam Zarb
Mariam Zarb
Planned C-section day is coming (March 31st 2017).... feeling scared and worried.... any way to calm myself down? I had a bad experience with the first pregnancy 🤰. I was first induced, had my waters broken on the second day, and on the third day I pushed. Little one got stuck so they needed to do an emergency c section. On the 3rd day they discharged me and on the morning of the 4th day I had a high temperature. I was re-admitted in the hospital and they had to reopen my c-section wound, because I got sepsis and a wound infection (without anesthesia), and they only gave me morphine and lidocaine, but I felt the whole thing... I had 11 people holding me down to open the wound up. I was on antibiotics and I had a wound vac with a 4 inch deep wound which had to be changed 4 times while I was in the hospital and once while I was taken back home. I was 18 days in the hospital..... and I waited 2 months for the wound to close from inside out..... yet again I am pregnant and going to have a c section.... so yea.... any way to calm myself down and hope for the best the second time around??? Has anyone had this experience with their first and with the second was ok? Do you think the likelihood of it happening again is less now that it's a planned c section? And I will be doing spinal this time instead of epidural. What's the chance of me getting paralyzed I wonder... totally freaking out here!

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Epidural has a catheter unless they did combination epidural + spinal
28.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
They did spinal on me and my back still feels weird where the Dr stuck the catheter in
28.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you @nicoler, that made me feel better! Now I'm a bit worried about the surgeon whose doing my c section!! I've read he has many lawsuits and has killed a mother under the knife !
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Not my experience but a close friend of mine had a pretty traumatic birth with her first baby - she had an emergency csection after a failed induction, her epidural wasn't working so she felt most of it, and while she didn't have an infection she did have a pretty long and difficult recovery. She had her second baby 7 weeks ago now and it was a planned csection with a spinal tap and she said the experience was completely the opposite and very easy. I saw her 5 days pp and she was moving around much better than she had been with her first. She said the fact that she went into the surgery well rested and not having been in labor for 3 days made a huge different for her. Hopefully the same will happen for you and this time around will be much easier!
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Well I didn't experience that , but I do know with planned c sections everything isn't rushed they take their time to get baby out so less complications happen , I feel you because they told me most likely I'll have to get another c section! Just have faith you'll
Do fine 🙏🏻
27.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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