Why use government funds when you don't need it? There are vets and homeless people? Stop having kids if you can't afford them! I'm 21 and by god I am not perfect and do NOT have it all, but I'm taking classes online for a new career, I buy my own fucking groceries and necessities AND shit I want, plus everything my son needs and I don't do it on the help of government. Plus I treat myself out, what 2 times a week? On my own money. Get it together goodness gracious. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU SET YOUR MIND TO. You are a woman. You are STRONG. You don't need help.

Лучший комментарий


Why don't you shut the fuck up monkey ass hoe @lifewithtwogirls,
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Girl shut up dumb a@@ lol
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Imma repeat ONE last time for EVERYBODY TO READ- my post only says you don't need the government, you are strong, you can do it without them, there are moms that even do it alone, and TO STOP HAVING KIDS IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD THEM- how is any of that so hard?? Thank you!
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@lifewithtwogirls, I couldn't understand what you just typed, try speaking in English instead of broken hood rat. Just some advice. And you clearly can't read, either. Last warning- y'all need to stop starting shit with me lmao
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Lmao I'm not salty baby girl and nobody said u were perfect but they way u on here runny ur trap as if u were and u don't need help with ish is irrelevant and a comment u could have kelp to urself and I'm not on any government boo and all that buck ish hunny on if u knew u was be running ur lips but not bout to argue wit ur lil petty a@@ lol funny u want to talk about beating people asses and want to buck and don't stay no where near us lol just a show for the internet lol
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@haitianmama, don't bring my fucking child into it bitch you really wanna get nasty?! Fuck out here ghetto ass monkey cunt, the fuck?
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
😂😂😂😂😂 I didn't even finish reading your nonsense. Clearly you're still a child....having a child... shame.
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kellyt23, @haitianmama, @lifewithtwogirls, first of all, stay salty all damn day long if you like! No where did I fucking state that I was perfect, I thought I made that clear that I, in fact, am not? Second, I've got trailer trash family on my moms side that use it and I still wanna beat their asses, too. And third, my message was meant to be empowering, not mean- don't get on my shit acting tough on your welfare, okay? This bitch will get mean real fast. Buck up, stay up or shut the hell up, feel me? It's just clear that there are ALOT of people that abuse the government and I know a few things from the inside. That is all. Keep your nasty lip to yourself. ☺️
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
If you're on assistance then you need it. And there are tons of people, including me, that don't qualify that really need it too but can't get it. You need to stop painting with such broad strokes.... Stay in your lane
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@haitianmama, 😌 preach !!!
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
And for the record, YOU WILL NEED HELP. Whether it's through the government or not. You will see. 😊 Be bless!
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
U right hunny 👏🏾
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
People like this young lady is the reason I'm not ashamed. I'm not even going to get into details about my situation, but I will say this...I've worked my entire life and never been on government assistance before and things happen and because things happen government assistance is here to help. Doesn't make me any less stronger then this lady here. Still got nothing but love in my heart😘 @lifewithtwogirls
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@haitianmama, I'm not on it either but it nothing to be shame about fr the main people who be screaming they not on any Government assistance be the main ones mad cause they can't get it but to be honest @abigaile1995, I wouldn't be on here talking down on people or have so much to say as if one day u might not need to get on it u aint better than n e else on here cause u can have a job and still get Government assisted same difference so what makes u any different cause u not on it I'm not either but coodles to u its a lot of people who r not on it but don't talk about the ones who r on it like they not doing nothing cause they can end up having more than u smfh 🙄
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
@haitianmama, Good for you, darling. I wouldn't go about screaming it. Just saying ☺️
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Not ashamed. On government assistant 😚
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
You are amazing, mama. 💙
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
👏🏽 I have always said this. I had my daughter at 18 and I had just graduated high school worked 2 jobs and went to college full time. When my daughter ended up in the hospital for 6 months I lived off my life savings.. and had no help from family I did it alone no government assistance nothing. It was incredibly hard but I did it.
24.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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