MomMotherMommie of 2
MomMotherMommie of 2
My baby is 6 months and we decided to start her on food but I can't bring myself to. I'm nervous above all and she 100 percent breastfed and I love the bond we have. I've had an horrible issue with Breastfeeding and it's not as bad so I'm afraid to start her on food and then I'll be feeding less and will have to start all over. I'm so lost and everywhere about something that should be so simple. 😥

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These are all really good ideas to consider. I appreciate it. I'm not just worry about the bond but it took alot for me to continue feeding and I don't want to go backwards. When I was little I was raped and molested and it was hard to feed her because it would trigger something that made me really uncomfortable and feel gross. I'd cry sometimes while eating. It's not as bad as it was before but it was the same feeding my first girl and my guy really understanding and there are times I have triggers with him but I don't want that to be the reason I stop feeding. Something else being taken from me. I'm also afraid I'll have to start over with that horrible feeling all over. I don't cry anymore and it isn't bad all the time. Some days it's just beautiful and feels normal
23.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son eats baby food and still nurses a lot. Especially before he goes to sleep. That's when we bond
23.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
23.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
How about trying her to eat stage 1 foods right now .. maybe 1 a day ? Than continue to breastfeed her for the rest of the day just to see how she reacts .. test the waters .
23.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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