MomMotherMommie of 2
MomMotherMommie of 2
I am hurt by your choices. That will not be ignored. I will not dismiss or hide my feelings to make you feel more comfortable about your choices. I told you it hurt me and you don't have to like it but I don't have to change it. I won't wear a happy face and pretend it's okay.. it's not. I won't engage in uncomfortable conversation because you want to talk, I won't let you touch my skin and snuggle under me when it makes me feel uncomfortable because you hurt me just to make it less stressful for you. I love you but you hurt me and that will be acknowledged. I will not pretend for the girls. They don't have to know the situation but they will know it's okay to be upset and you have a right to feel the way you do. No one should make you feel bad about feeling the way you do. You hurt me and I told you that, I am not nor do I have the strength to pretend it's anything other than what it is. I am not okay and you will not take that away because your done with the situation or tired of it. My feelings are here and will not be dismissed

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Thank you 😊
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