Question for experienced moms... I was laying down on my fiancée on the couch while he was rubbing my back and when I got up I noticed a small wet spot where my nipple is. Only my left. My little man will be 20 weeks on Wednesday. Am I starting to lactate ? I know this is weird but I kinda squeezed my boob and nothing... how does this work? I'm a little embarrassed but wtf.. I don't have a gf to talk to about it... really weird. Thanks in advance! 💙

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Thank you! I just thought that maybe I was close to going into labor......? Lol scared me. I thought you only started lactating when the baby was close to being here or here already.... @madisonmommy318,
21.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes. it'll get more and more. I noticed about week 38-40 I woke up in pools of it. I suggest getting some pads, or use a washcloth. whichever is comfier:)
21.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Same thing happened to me around week 20 and I indeed squeezed too and also, nothing came out. I'm now 24 weeks and it's mostly my left one, some days I notice spots in my bra but they're already dry. Try to wash you nip with warm water after it so it doesn't crust lol , it happened to me and it itched pretty bad
21.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you!
21.03.2017 Нравится Ответить
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