I agree @mama.jules, it's totally up to you. My first we had miscarriage at 7 weeks and not many people even knew I was pregnant but with my second and now 7 month old baby boy we announced at 14 weeks because we felt ready ❤ but whatever you feel comfortable with
I knew at four weeks and that's when I told people lol. If you think about it in a negative way then yes but if you have positive vibes and thoughts then go ahead and announce it to the world who cares!!!
What?? I told my family at 5 weeks. Everyone else around 10. It's your decision. The way I felt is the more people who knew meant the more prayers and good vibes. And if anything went wrong it meant lots of support and hugs.
I've had one miscarriage before and now that I'm pregnant again I announced when I was 3 weeks I think of it as it's never too early it's still a baby even if it doesn't carry full term I wanted everyone to know. Even though there is always a possible chance of miscarriage I just get too excited lol
I was just scared with my sons pregnancy, I worried the whole entire time haha so that's partially why it took me so long. In my head announcing the pregnancy could have "jinxed" it 😂 I was a terrible emotional wreck the whole time. But everyone's different and does their own thing!
It's life things happen for a reason and if ur body is not strong or healthy or whatever the case maybe it really does matter when u announce it @mama.jules,
@mommyof1boyy yeah, I feel ya. That's pretty much the same reason why I haven't announced yet. I was the same with my first... Although I had a scare (bleeding) towards the beginning of that pregnancy that definitely made me want to wait.
I had three before my son and with those three I didn't announce, I was waiting until my second trimester and luckily I didn't announce because I personally would have lost it trying to explain my loss. That's why A lot of people wait. Whether they've had miscarriages or not they just want to be in the clear that they know everything is OK just like I did.
@iyanalewis I love to hear that. I have a few friends that announced early in the first trimester and lost the baby... So that had me all freaked out. However, I always heard that announcing once you reach the 2nd trimester was "safe". I mean, I think it's totally okay to post the moment you find out... Or even as late as when the baby is born (lol).
It really depends, I didnt announce until well into my second trimester because of the possibility of a miscarriage. I was 23 weeks pregnant when I announced. But everyone is different, some announce at 6 weeks and others announce late like I did.