Hello Ladies, anyone use the Chinese sex gender calender to determine the sex of your child ? Was is right for you ? I already have 2 girls hoping for a boy. But per the calender it's another girl.
@mommieof2babies. Because my symptoms are different from my girls, I feel like it's a boy but don't want to get my hopes up for a boy and it's a girl. But like u say either way it's a blessing.
@jns20112001 I wasn't nauseous as much with my son as my daughter but it's always a 50/50 chance with me I wanted a boy and always told myself it was a boy and convinced my self the baby was a boy and came out a boy but either way a baby is huge blessing
@mommieof2babies Thanks. I'm so nervous it's another girl. But I'm not having morning sickness and isn't nauseous like I was with my girls so maybe that's a good sign.