@tbucket good for you. your brave. I was thinking about doing one too..I'm do used to c sections n having everything sceduled I don't know if I'll do vbac unless he comes early n I have no choice lol
@mluvs7, same story for my daughter. My son was attempted vbac but my doctor wanted me to do it naturally on my own and if he wasn't there by 39 weeks it would be a repeat c section and he was. Now attempting another vbac with current pregnancy since I'm still a good candidate.
I had a c section with my daughter 2 years in May because of my health issues from birth. She was due May 13th and came May 11th due to me having pain and tons of vomiting. To much vomiting can cause me a lot of trouble due to preexisting health issues from birth. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! My daughter's dad on the other hand was traumatized lol to much for him at least he didn't pass out lol
I've only had c sections my first labor with my almost 15 year old was 47 hours long 32 med free then I was just exhausted got the epidural but it only numbed one half of my body. I pushed two hours but she had her head turned in an awkward position and I was exhausted so I had a c section. The rest were c sections and I just had my last one last Monday March 6 2017.
C section at 29 weeks due to health complications.
My c section was a lot better than my vaginal induction/birth at 40 weeks but most people say c sections are worse. I think it depends on the situation.
My neurosurgeon recommended me getting one due to my head trauma history and just have undergone a surgery a year prior. Basically my head could erupt. So I had my son cesarean and if I ever have more they will be as well.